A co-working space in Cambridge for tackling the world’s most pressing problems


Our members are able to use our office throughout the week for independent and collaborative work on their projects.


We work with local groups to run events focused on our priority areas, such as existential risk and global poverty.


Our staff are able to provide coaching and support to help members have as big an impact as possible.


  • Membership of the Meridian Office allows you to use the co-working space, network with our community and attend our community events.

  • We are looking  for members pursuing promising projects aiming to have a large positive impact, who support our core values, and who will positively contribute to the office environment. Promising projects can include full-time work, research projects as part of your studies, and side projects. 

  • We expect members to support and demonstrate our core values: Compassion, Truth-Seeking, Impact-Driven, Taking Responsibility, and Integrity.

  • We also expect members to contribute positively to the office environment by engaging positively and cooperatively with other members, and by upholding our code of conduct.

Our Mission and Values

We support people to pursue impactful careers by creating a productive working environment and a motivating and intellectually stimulating community.

Our core values are:

  • Compassion

    • The world is a large place, and many of the biggest problems do not just affect those close to us. Most of their effect even is on those far away from us, and those quite different from us. Being compassionate means we care about everyone affected by these problems.

  • Truth-seeking

    • If we care about creating change in the world, we need to understand the world as it really is. This requires looking for evidence to prove ourselves wrong, having humility about our beliefs, and caring about getting to the truth, not proving ourselves right. We call this being “truth-seeking”.

  • Impact-driven

    • We want to ask ourselves “what will actually solve this problem”? We’re “impact-driven”. We prioritise between different actions, taking into account things like differences in impact, opportunity cost and information value. 

  • Taking responsibility

    • We care about actually solving problems and improving the world. We ask ourselves how can we best address these problems. We don’t shy away because “it’s not our job” or “someone else should do it”. We call this taking responsibility. 

  • Integrity

    • We demonstrate integrity in everything we do. We are respectful, cooperative and trustworthy.

Our Affiliated Societies

Our affiliated student societies are those pursuing work or ideas that we’re particularly excited about, and who work with Meridian as a venue and a partner in events.